The Power Thoughts service supports children to develop a growth mindset, so that they are able to regulate their own thoughts and emotions, knowing that they have the ‘power’ to choose an alternative state.
92% of the children who participated within this programme said that it helped their behaviour, made them believe in themselves and gave them more confidence. They were able to use the tools before exams, on the football field, at swimming galas, and on the playground.
Through this children are able to view their challenges, tests and ‘mistakes’ as an opportunity to grow and to learn, so that they are ultimately moving toward fulfilling their potential.
During our sessions children will begin recognise when they are feeling ‘stressed’ or anxious and identify their triggers. They explore tools to help them stay calm, allowing them to be more focused and understand how the concept of mindfulness will have a positive effect on their lives so that they are able to apply these both in and out of the school environment.
The Power Thoughts Programme
THE SIGNATURE Power Thoughts PROGRAMME IS A 10-week course with 1x 60 minute SESSION per week including the whole class. Suitable for Upper Key Stage 2 pupils, the programme is designed to support pupils through the major transitions they will encounter and prepare them for the next steps in their development.
Week Four: Confidence Power: Pupils will be able to understand that confidence is about taking action, even though it may feel scary at the time. Demonstrate how their body language influences how they feel. Are able to apply tools that will help them develop their confidence. Understand that confidence is situational and transitional.
Week Five: Brain Power: Pupils will be able to recognise the importance of developing a Growth mindset and be able to reframe ‘challenging work’, to see it as an opportunity to grow and develop their intelligence.
Week Six: Bounce back with Power: Pupils will be able to understand how to reframe ‘failure’, learn to embrace their mistakes and use it as an opportunity to grow. To learn how to deal with setbacks and challenges so that they are able to develop their resilience and ‘bounce back’ with power, setting them up for the next steps in their development.
Week One: Introduction and Take back your Power: Pupils will be able to recognise when they are feeling ‘stressed’ and identify their triggers. To explore tools to help them stay calm,understand the concept of mindfulness and how this can have a positive effect on their lives.
Week Two: The Power of Paying Attention: Pupils will recognise that their thoughts and feelings are transitional.Understand how ‘paying attention’ helps them be present in the NOW.
Week Three: The Power of your Super Hero: Pupils recognise how their thoughts influence their feelings, actions and behaviour. To understand of how their limiting beliefs (Self-Nasty) can hamper their learning and development. To know that they can choose to think differently by paying attention to their Super Hero.
Power Thoughts Half-day and 90 minute workshops:
What’s most important about a Power Thought’s experience is the impact that children are left with afterwards. The 90 minute sessions and half day workshops are designed to combine potency and performance.
Bespoke themes are available to meet the needs of your group however, signature workshops include…
Going to 'Big School' with Confidence
Step up with Power: Primary to Secondary transition workshop for Year 6
Feel Fabulous: Mastering your Emotions
The Confidence Masterclass
Get your Happy On!
Back to School with Confidence
Start Year 6 with Success
The Worry Buster Masterclass
The Exam Buster Masterclass
The Power of my Super Hero: Tapping into Positive Mindset and Beating Fear
Workshops can be customised and tailored for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
All sessions are facilitated through discussion based learning, practical and hands-on activities. The benefit of the skills learnt, and tools and information taught, reach far further than just the classroom, as children explore and consolidate their learning.
The programme and workshops are designed in such a way that children are taught to build on their individual strengths, to help them focus on what they CAN offer, encouraging them to be more open and honest about their difficulties.
Strengths, effort, perseverance and motivation are celebrated and activities are put in place so that all children receive positive recognition and praise, reminding them of their strengths.
“Power Thoughts has helped me to stay calm and it’s also helped me to not listen to my negative thoughts, but instead pay attention to my positive thoughts.”
“I have really enjoyed the sessions, without them I’d probably still be a worrier. You have inspired me to do so many things and I will especially remember the breathing tools to help me stay calm.”
“I really like Power Thoughts because it helps make our brain stronger and we learn how to not let our tantrums get worse.”
“Power Thoughts has been an invaluable resource for our pupils this year! Our pupils are becoming more empowered by being able to develop their self-esteem, tackle frustrations differently and help prepare for life’s challenges. In some cases, pupils who would sometimes display more challenging behaviour are using some of the Power Thoughts tools to manage their anger differently and help them to focus on making the right choices. Thank you for helping to shape the future of our learners at Whitehall Junior School, Natalie! ”
Ask yourself, 'what difference would it make if...'
• Nerves and worries were so reduced that children were able to face the challenges of exam, SATS and transition to secondary school head on?
• Pupils were happier, more resilient and confident within themselves?
• Your students were better able to manage their emotions and behaviours?
• Playground arguments didn't spill into lessons?
• Pupils were not afraid of ‘failure’ and willing to have a go?
Power Thoughts makes this a possibility.
We empower children to work with the curriculum, the challenges they experience and the transitions they make. It allows them to grow and to flourish. These are skills that ultimately help them beyond life within the classroom, as it can be taken with them through to secondary school and life beyond.
Contact us today to discuss how Power Thoughts can support your pupils, school and performance:
Single Power Thoughts workshops are also available for teachers and staff.
Sessions can either be held as part of an Inset, staff or twilight meetings.
Areas covered but not limited to include:
• Introduction to Mindfulness: Practical tools to help you stay calm and combat challenges with ease.
• Develop a classroom for Growth: Practical tools and strategies to develop a Growth mindset within your classroom.
• Building Resilience: Tools to develop your resilience and combat challenges with ease.